Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day Two in the Life of Blogging

I "borrowed" this picture from a friends web site, Desert Star Productions.  This is an Autumn picture that I especially like.  He has many really beautiful photos that can be seen and purchased from his site.  Some are also pictures that he has tweeked using different methods to create some really interesting artwork.  When you have time check out this site.
          enough for today,
                   be blessed

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still Day One

This is a very interesting way of communicating and sharing, and sort of entering into the unknown for me.  I have not been on the internet for the purpose of reading blogs before this.  I will spend some time doing this in the seems a very interesting way of staying in touch with the lives of others and a way to share the events of my own life with friends and family.  I think I will definitely get in touch with my close friends, that are spread all over the country, and have them  read my blog and hopefully set up blogs of their is an easier way of sharnig lengthy emails  and maybe send to some who are not interested. This way you can put it out there and it is up to the others to check it out if they want to know.
      signing off for today....
               be blessed,

Day One of My New Blog

Hi, my name is Cyndee and we are learning how to set up a blog site to share with everyone. This is my very first post. It won't say anythng important, or interesting even. This is just for practice today. I think it might be something for the future, for me....we will see.